Check LDAP response time


This Nagios plugin checks the response time of an LDAP directory.

To get a sharper time measure, the script use threads and returns a mean.


Required Perl modules:

  • Net::LDAP

  • Getopt::Std

  • Time::HiRes

  • threads

Edit the script to modify some default parameters:

  • version: LDAP version to use (default: 3)

Other parameters are set as script options (see below).


$ perl -H hostname [-p port] [-D binddn -P bindpw] [-n nb_threads] [-w warning_time] [-c critical_time]

Mandatory Options


LDAP server hostname or IP, or LDAP URI

Other options


LDAP server port (not working if LDAP URI is set in -H)


Bind DN


Bind password


threads number (default: 0)


warning time in seconds (default: 20)


critical time in seconds (default: 60)


display performance data


LDAP filter


LDAP base


LDAP scope


This plugin, along with all other Nagios plugins from this site, can be downloaded in a single archive.